Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why I'm not worried about a demographic crisis

photo by Chandler David Poling
Among various Christian groups, there is an argument that goes something like this:
  • "Christian Civilization" is threatened due to the decline of the population of Christians in traditionally Christian nations. 
  • This decline is due to the encroachment of the ideas of modern secular humanism, which encourage women to delay marriage and childbearing by means of birth control and abortion, decreasing the Christian birth-rate.
  • Moreover, the population of non-Christians is increasing in traditionally Christian countries due to immigration of non-Christians who still have large families.
  • Christian women need to embrace their "highest calling" and have many babies and bring them up in the church to stop this demographic crisis.
This is admittedly a straw-man, but one hears various versions of this floating around from time to time. Here's why I'm not worried about a demographic crisis:

Jesus said "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Matthew 28.19. This command, the "great commission" is far from finished. There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet. 7 billion! Probably 5 billion of the do not know Christ, and perhaps a bundle of the 2 billion or so Christians are Christians in name only. That's a lot of nations that have not had disciples made of them.

Trying to keep the demographics like they were in the good-old days means we don't minister to those on our doorstep who don't look or act like Christians. Let's bring in the harlots and the publicans and the Samaritans rather than be anxious about breeding more PLU's.

A simple Christian faith suggests trying to do what Christ says we should do rather than wringing our hands about this or that thing we perceive as problematic or evil. The Lord is in control of the world, not humans.  

By all means, have babies, have lots of them, and love them! Bring them into the church and raise them to be faithful Christians. Be fruitful and multiply! Don't give into the temptation seek consequence-free sex, or to indulge your every desire. At the same time, neither "Christian civilization" nor babies are the "one thing needful."

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