Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ordinary Holiness

Every once in a while, a candid video finds its way around the internet. Videos like this show people in unguarded situations, where they are not trying to look good or put on a show. Sometimes these videos are embarrassing or scandalous. Sometimes they are cute or touching. These videos fascinate us because they reveal human beings at the most vulnerable and intimate moments.

Recently, a video (above) of an elderly married couple accidentally recording themselves on their webcam has become popular. At moments it is funny, as when the husband makes a monkey face, and sings "Hello my baby...." while the wife gently allows him be silly. At times it is rather intimate, as when he makes clear he still finds his wife beautiful and attractive. At one point, she starts to get frustrated with herself for not understanding the software, and he responds gently, "You'll do fine, you'll learn."

This married couple seems to be comfortable and safe together. There is no criticism, manipulation, or impatience here. I am sure that at other times in this couple's life there is conflict and sadness, as in all marriages. But in these two minutes and fifty-six seconds, there seems to be none of that. Their words and manner suggest a great love for one another.

The kingdom of heaven peeks in at surprising times if we look for it.


  1. Really like this post and glad to see you are blogging more regularly. I enjoy reading your thoughts.
